Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Russ Dalbey's Winning In The Cash Flow Business

Russ Dalbey's Winning In The Cash Flow Business

Hi There...

Does making money with REAL ESTATE interest you?

I know that it always has ingnighted a Fire in me...Have you ever bought a Investment property? or Purchased a Property you intended to flip for Quick Profit?Let me tell you, it is an AMAZING Feeling when the Check comes...It's cool to see the Check, or you can usally just have the Funds Direct Deposited into your Account... (But the Physical Check is Very Cool to Look at)I can remember the Day I was able to Make more in that 1 Day then, I made in 2 whole years working a 40hr a week JOB. (I was making $32 Dollars an Hour at the time, it usally averaged out to about 50-60 Grand a Year) Not to Brag or Boast in any way....

It was a Life Changing Experiece. A Lightbulb Moment if you will...I Just Realized that my hard work and efforts had made me more than I could ever imagine happening working My JOB. Oh and $32 bucks an hour... ONLY took me 12 years of Back Breaking work to get there...

Little to No Retirement, The Same repetative tasks... about 2/3 of my life was spent working that JOB.Can YOU Relate? So I was thinking... With the Economy and all, Do you Know where a Huge Chunk of money is being made right NOW?

Infact there is always a HUGE chunk being Made in this One Industry... REAL ESTATE

Now the Cool thing is, there are so many ways to profit from it, even ones where you don't need a bank, no loan, or even purchasing the property... And YOU Can make an Absolute Forutune.Over the Last 12 years or so, I have personally purchased just about Every single Info Comercial Package Known to Man... (Total Truth) lolDid each one Earn me the Money that was promised? Well that would be a YES and NO...Although the way I always look at it, is this... If I can learn just one thing, I am that much closer to where I want to be...

EXPECT what you Want and you will GET it!"You Get what you EXPECT Nothing More, Nothing Less"

Do You Really EXPECT To Earn a Million Dollars overnight with some $39.95 program.

Do You Really EXPECT To Earn a 100,000 Overnight with a $1,000 dollar program.Now I am not saying it is Impossible, but you are smarter than that. And if you Have Unrealistic Expectations, There is No way for your MInd to BELIEVE, therefore you will not ACHIEVE.DREAM BIG, Win Big... Be Unrealistic...

You will Give up and Quit!!!

Do you realize that Just about everything is Designed to be so Damn Hard and usually is Designed to wast so much of your time you just Give up.Do you Really think that is a Mistake? Of Course Not!You are given Hype, Lies, Unrealistic Expectations from the Begining, most of the Time for that reason alone. So the System can do what it is supposed to do...NOT Create More Competition...I know I am gettin off on a tangent here, but think about it this way.

If you Lose the we.ight form the wei.ght loss products you buy. Or keep off the wei.ght...Would you buy more?Have you tried to call any company these days... You are lucky to get ahold of a Flesh and Blood person... Please press 1 for this... press 2 for this... 30 min later you find out thatYour just getting the run around...

What do you think that most do?

Keep wasting their time for a couple bucks Which is More Valuable?Your time or a couple bucks?So you do what most do, you brush it off and Move on...They Have Done their Job... The System Worked Perfectly!

There are Two Great Deals I know of right now where you can get a wide spectrum of Knowledge and Information about Investing in Real Estate and How to get started.

The first one I reccomend, I bought about 6 months ago for the first time and really enjoyed the information and Learned a Ton! Remember these Guys are Info Marketing Guru's.Absolute Legends in My Book. Russ Dalby and Carlton Sheets are Both Very well Respected and Have Been Active in the Business for Many Years.You Don't last that long because you are lucky...These Guys know what they are talking about. Do you ever Try to Learn from what they Say?How they Move, and Act... You could Earn an Absolute Fortune just by Learning How they Market. How did they get where they are?

"If you want to know what the road ahead is like, simply ask those coming Back"

What did it take? What does it take?

Russ Dalby is Giving FREE Shipping on His Package Called Winning in the Cash Flow Business Right now.. That's less than $40 bucks... A Steal in my Book.If you are interested in Earning Multiple Streams of Income, I Highly reccomend you take Russ up on his Limited offer.I have another Special Gift for your Tommorrow that I ran accross...You won't want to miss it... Until then Have a FABULOUS Weekend!"Keep Going Till You Get Where Your Going"ps. I would love to hear what you think of the Program once you have a chance to go through it . Real Estate Really is one of My Passions... And Russ puts a whole different perspective on How you can Profit unlike all the others...

Darren Utke Aka "The Real Deal" Mentor
who what where when and why equals how

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