Sunday, June 7, 2009

Russ Dalbey

Russ Dalbey, Winning In The Cash Flow Business
"Who is Russ Dalbey?"

As the founder and CEO of the Dalbey Education Institute, Russ Dalbey has authored dozens of articles on the cash flow business. A highly sought-after public speaker on the topics of wealth, success, and personal motivation, he is also an accomplished professional cyclist who held the world record for the one-mile for more than fours years.

Russ Dalbey is a self-made, self-educated multi-millionaire who made his fortune using the same principles now taught at the Dalbey Education Institute. Perhaps more than any other educator, Russ understands the importance of simplifying education so that anyone can learn it and actually use it to make money.

“Wealth isn’t just for a certain privileged few,” he says. “In spite of what most financial experts teach, you don’t need to have money to make money. Anyone can learn to master the steps to financial freedom.”

Although today Russ is considered the premier authority on making money in the cash flow note business, he wasn't always a financial success. He was once just a young kid on a bike with a dream of training for the U.S. Olympics! Against all odds, he won international honors as a competitive cyclist, and broke the world record when he blazed through a one-mile course faster than any man before him. But when the time came for Russ to leave cycling behind and earn a living outside of professional sports, he had nothing more than his own determination to rely on. With no college degree or job skills, he went in search of the best way to make money.

Russ quickly began to learn the financial industry as a stockbroker. He was successful, but the work environment left much to be desired. When a friend happened to mention the "Cash Flow Note Business" to him, Russ was intrigued.

Russ left the high-stress world of Wall Street behind and devoted his energy to making money in the Cash Flow Note Business. He found a mentor to coach him and saw results immediately. Shortly after, his personal mentor, Carl, passed away. The Executor of Carl’s will requested that Russ take over Carl’s Cash Flow education company. Out of deep gratitude for the man who helped him make his fortune, Russ agreed to step in on a trial basis.

He soon discovered that helping others to achieve financial freedom was more rewarding and exhilarating than anything he had done before. While his teaching career began simply as a personal service project, Russ Dalbey decided to dedicate his life to helping as many people as possible achieve financial freedom.

Russ has been teaching his moneymaking method now for almost two decades, and is considered among the leading educators and experts in the cash flow note field today. He is truly delighted to bring his vision, experience, knowledge, and energy to anyone who is just discovering the note business for the first time – people who are looking for a better way to live and love life.

“Personal success certainly offers material satisfaction. But the real joy of success comes from using your experience to elevate the lives of others.”

- Russ Dalbey Winning In The Cash Flow Business

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Winning In The Cash Flow Business Testimonials, Hear From Those Who Have Found Success!

Tanisha M., Georgia

Former Customer Service Manager Makes $6,080.00 Profit In One Month!

“If I was able to sell those two notes with just those three books, I feel that the sky’s the limit. This is definitely long term! I see my children getting into the business, to be a fulltime business for the entire family. I know you probably get tired of hearing this Russ, but THANK YOU!!!”

When Tanisha saw Russ Dalbey’s TV show, she was struck by how simple the program was. So she ordered the three-book ‘Winning in the Cash Flow Business’ package and got started.

Using what Russ’ course taught her, she learned how to obtain note holder contacts at her local courthouse for free, then contact the note holders to help them sell their cash flow. She’s closed two deals in about a month’s time since she began focusing on the note business full time – $3,542.00 on her first, and $2,538.00 on the second.

At first, she was a little scared. But she found out there was no reason to be afraid!

“I said to myself, OK, I’m nervous, but this is something I need to do, to make my life better.’ And it just went from there!” Tanisha remembered.

Now that’s she proven to herself that being a note finder IS easy, Tanisha is committed to becoming a fulltime cash flow professional.

Bruce P., Texas

Family Counselor Profits $148,797.00 AND Finds More Freedom!

“The money is great, and it gives me the freedom to stay at home with my children. The note business is exactly what I was looking for.”

Bruce P. already had a well-paying career as a child and family therapist. But his occupation in counseling was demanding, and he didn’t have much free time. He wanted to cut back on his work hours and be able to spend more time with his own family.

“For me, it was the income potential. I have another full-time position, but I was looking for something to create a side income I could do part time,” Bruce said, explaining why he chose Russ Dalbey’s educational programs.

“The potential for the note business is just a really fantastic opportunity. Plus, I’ve always been interested in real estate, but really didn’t want to get into the rental market because of the problems you can have with the properties. What also attracted me to the note business was the opportunity to buy notes and have that residual income coming in.”

By taking ‘Winning in the Cash Flow Business ’ and participating in Russ Dalbey’s ‘Protege’ mentoring program, Bruce learned exactly how to become a cash flow pro. Now he’s closed well over 50 separate note deals and profited nearly $150,000.00.

Derrick D., Ohio

Full-time Sales Manager and Sportscaster Makes $9,500.00 on His First Cash Flow Deal!

“It’s very comprehensive. When I was reading and listening to the audio, I started thinking to myself, ‘is this all there is to it?’ I did exactly what the book said – it was very simple. I didn’t have any other training. Just read it and try it!”

Most note finders make their profits with notes secured by real estate. But ‘Winning In The Cash Flow Business’ taught Derrick to think outside of the box.

He made $9,500.00 simply by referring someone who was receiving payments as prize winnings from a half-time sports contest. Derrick had known about this person and his annuity long before he ordered the ‘Winning’ program.
But without Russ Dalbey’s information, he’d never thought of how to profit from the situation.
When I look at total hours that I put into this deal, it was maybe 7-8 hours, maybe,” Derrick said.

With a near five-figure profit with such a minimal time investment, Derrick made over $1,187.00 per hour!

He’s been looking for a career with an amazing potential profit margin like the note business his whole adult life.

“For the last five years I have worked at a corporation. But I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit – I owned a business right out of college,” Derrick said.

“The business did very well, but I decided to leave it because I was working 17-18 hours a day. I really didn’t like being at home, because I was locked to a phone. I was making good money but never any time to enjoy it,” Derrick explained.

Derrick feels that if people can visualize their own success in the note business, they can and will make it happen.

“I am a big believer in self-improvement, personal improvement, and personal empowerment. Whatever the mind can see and believe, can be achieved.”

Thank you Russ Dalbey!

Testimonial experiences are unique. Results will vary.